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Financial Insights and Articles

Ranging from 401k Implementation to Social Security, Taxes, and more!

5 Stoic Habits for Financial and Personal Growth Thumbnail

5 Stoic Habits for Financial and Personal Growth

As we step into a new year, it’s a great time to reflect on habits that can help us grow—not just financially, but also personally. In my work with clients, I often find inspiration in timeless philosophies that promote discipline, focus, and resilience. One such philosophy is Stoicism, a practice rooted in self-control and rational decision-making. We wouldn’t be called Stoic Wealth Advisors if we didn’t practice what we preach. Here are five Stoic-inspired habits to consider as you plan for the year ahead.

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529 Plans Demystified: What Affluent Families Need to Know Thumbnail

529 Plans Demystified: What Affluent Families Need to Know

As an affluent family, planning for your children's education is likely a top priority. You want to ensure that they have access to the best education possible without worrying about the high cost of tuition; this is where 529 plans come into play. However, with so much information, understanding these plans and how they benefit you is essential. That's why we have demystified 529 plans and compiled this guide to help affluent families make informed decisions.

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How to Develop a Money Mindset That Aligns with Your Goals Thumbnail

How to Develop a Money Mindset That Aligns with Your Goals

Financial goals are essential. Setting them will help you to obtain the things you want out of life as well as live the lifestyle you desire, both during your working years and in your retirement. But obtaining these goals isn't always easy unless you develop a money mindset that aligns and drives you to these goals. So how do you create this mindset to give you the ideal chance of obtaining your financial goals?

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Financial Planning for Working Moms Thumbnail

Financial Planning for Working Moms

Historically, working mothers have had even higher ambitions in the workforce than working women in general.1 This ambition may drive them to excel in budgeting and financial matters that can help them manage their family's finances. What should working moms know about financial planning, and what steps can they take to help their family work towards a confident financial future? Here are five financial planning tips for working moms.

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6 Money Myths That Are Limiting Your Wealth Thumbnail

6 Money Myths That Are Limiting Your Wealth

When people think of “myths,” they often think of such stories as Pandora’s Box (the woman who took the lid off of a jar releasing all of the world’s ills upon the world, were taxes one of them?), or the Tale of Prometheus (who stole fire from his fellow gods to give to humans and was punished by Zeus with eternal suffering). However, money myths have also been circulated with such frequency that many people unknowingly believe them. These myths also tend to restrict people’s thinking regarding their money, which can potentially limit their wealth opportunities.

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